Thursday, August 18, 2011

With a Side of Giant Salsa, Por Favor

INXS. Bitter Tears.

It goes like this "Push away those bitter tears."

I heard?  "Push away those big tortillas."

Why would you ever push away big tortillas?  Especially if they were accompanied by giant salsa and mondo guacamole?!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blacktop Blerp: The Beginning

Katy Perry.  Last Friday Night.

It goes like this: "'s a blacked-out blur but I'm pretty sure it ruled - Yeah!"

I heard?  "'s a blacktop blerp...."

I thought to myself, this can't be right!  And what on earth is a blerp?!

(And actually, it looks like I'm not the only one.  Found this when I was trying to confirm the line above.  It's no blerp, but they heard "top" too.)